Love and war.

This is an article on a very trivial issue or the so called small things of life which ultimately matter. These are all well known things but it was never enunciated as such by anybody. Because they think that exploitation is the way of life. I do agree provided it is done in ordained manner but not consciously.

As per Hindu faith there came into being 84 lakhs(8.4 million) animal species on the earth after which it evolved into human body, and came to be known as Homo sapiens. It happened around 1 lakh years ago,first somewhere in South Africa. Animal world represents all possible most types of live intelligence. After that those started to descend in human body. In initial stage it was almost same thing as it was in animal world. But in due course it went on strengthening with evolved realization of Moon and Sun intelligence. This led to concept of non violence. Further more than one forms of intelligence started to descend in human body at a time which led to concept of family,society and doctrine of karma.

God never made provision for any unilateral well or I’ll wishes kind of thing. It was made as a matter of bilateral relation, as a prerequisite for any achievement, by transforming war into love.But every positive thing had got a negative face as well. So overall it led to concept of doctrine of karma as a rolling plan of nature from one generation to other.

But initially violence/preying instinct of animal world evolved into Cat which is given to unilateral preying through thought. In human body in its raw stage this is again a way of causing accidents of a person superior to oneself in anyway and demoralizing the same. This is true especially in relation to making Jovians (Jupiter intelligence which never descended in animal body) the target of same.

However, there are myriad types of accidents and in its mature form some of those are constructive tool of evolution as well. In fact all violent or non vegetarian animals fear cat on account of this quality. So even without being cat in human body they try to imitate cat for preying. Apparently it’s given the shape of well/I’ll wishes which has no index to arrive at. Of course without love and mutuality it is again a face of war among animal which mostly take the shape of virulent diseases.

So anybody claiming to be being even well wisher of anybody without any relation should be sentenced to 3-7 years imprisonment.This is very unusual or quaint issue. Because rarely does one talk in such term. But unfortunately in India there is emerging a class which openly claim in court of law of having done a lot through well wishes, even without there being anybody to admit it, while the same could never do anything for oneself beyond hand to mouth. Some of those cannot write their resume. Till now there was tradition of expressing thanks if one felt to be beneficiary of the someone in this respect, but this too used to be awkward situation for good or clever person. Because if +ve statement carries a meaning then corresponding -ve statement may also carry meaning. However, even if it is wrong what can one do if something is said in appreciation. In Judicial perspective what counts is sense of right/wrong or religiosity.

It is true that exploitation is the way of life. But firstly it must be ordained i.e. should be based on congenital schemes.Mercury/Budh is lord of Gemini sign and represents Buddhi (intellect). As per a mythological allegory Mercury is born out of the adultery instinct of Jupiter’s wife Tara.

She has become fed-up with religiosity of her husband. Tara was in need of Satellite the Moon. Her heart was stolen by Moon(or God called Soma).And thereby Mercury was born. Mercury lends expression capability to intelligence of native but does not lend physical form (as adultery was not physical)

If Gemini is occupied by Mercury then it lends SadBudhi(logical & clever). But if there is any other planet except luminaries,then it lends DurBuddhi (illogically clever).That is what Cat represents.Then it starts to foster ignorance into other in order to exploit it. Unfortunately this instinct rules over psyche of India the organic entity.

—————-Part II—————————-

This part of the article is meant for only those who have basic idea of Astrology or I would like to better call it as Quantum Metaphysics.

All phenomena which impact multitude at a time,whether for good or bad, involve willing/unwilling interaction of at least one Cardinal Jovian (male or female). In general rule for effect of interaction between two persons is one-to-one which is no quality but shows itself up through events and implements doctrine of karma in general.

Jovian stands for, to quote a few from Indian cinema, the type of persons like,Dilip Kumar,Vinod Khanna, Jitender, Mithun Chakarvarti ,Vindo Mehara. By far in film industry there had been only these 5 male Jovians. Our seers like Rama, Krishna, Buddha,Guru Nanak,Param Hans Ramakrishna,Aurobindo Ghosh,Ravindernath Tagore were also Cardinal Jovian.This category is ruled over primarily by Planet Jupiter. If in Jovian’s birth chart Jupiter falls in Central/Cardinal houses(1,4,7,10) then it is called Cardinal Jovian, except that Jupiter should not be in its debilitated/depressed sign Capricorn. Jupiter falling in one’s own sign or highly placed but not in central houses may also be called partially Cardinal Jovian. So such Jovians are of social significance and affect the course of events on social scale. However Cardinal Jovians rarely does occupy front benches in any social event. Going by this definition Lord Krishna was not Cardinal Jovian but was falling in its lord sign Pisces. But finally the things are shaped by three factors-

1.point of view of creation(Ascendent)

2.Right moon

3 Right Sun position

But as I had discussed in part I Cardinal Jovian needs special security otherwise it is always likely to be target of the evil eye leaving bad psychological as well as bad physical effect on whole of the society.

Before I wind up the issue, it is essential to remind that a person may have more than one native planets (in conjunction or without conjunction) ruling over fore aspect of persona. In that case a person appearing to be Jovian may have traits more than that of pure Jovian.Lord Buddha was a Cardinal Jovian of this category.

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